Policies and Practices
Tiered & Solidarity Pricing
We offer tiered pricing based on household income whenever possible to provide access to the widest number of people. We ask that you self identify your ability to support our farm products and work by consulting the chart below and reflecting honestly on your current financial situation. This chart applies to all our educational programs, our mushroom CSA, and our consulting and speaking services.
TIER 1 prices are intended for those who are lower income or experiencing underemployment, unemployment, or other financial challenges.
TIER 2 prices reflect the true costs of the program or product.
TIER 3 prices are for households with abundant financial resources; your payment helps support others attend our programs or access products.

Solidarity Pricing
We recognize that historical injustice has led to an inequitable distribution of wealth and resources. Our personal family history and privilege give us advantages in the world, and we seek ways to support others who have experienced systematic oppression.
If you identify as one of the following, we have special solidarity pricing which lowers the price below the Tier 1 level for courses. Let us know by emailing us at farmers@wellspringforestfarm.com and we will share a code for you to use at checkout.
• People of Color
• First Nations People
• People who identify as LGBTQI
• Refugees and Migrants
Further, as we steward lands that traditionally belonged to the Haudenosaunee people, any members of those tribal nations are invited to attend any of our programs at no cost.
No One Turned Away
The opportunity to learn and eat is a right, not a privilege. If you are challenged to attend a workshop given the pricing policies outlined above, we are happy to discuss alternatives. Please be in touch.
Giving Back
Supporting our Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫʼ (Cayuga Nation) Neighbors
We farm on the traditional lands of native people whose right to sovereignty and expression of traditional language and culture are endangered. Full season mushroom CSA members have the option to donate their 10% discount to their efforts to preserve their language, and additionally 3-5% of our gross revenue from other products will support their work to sustain and build a future.
Planting Trees
We are committed to leaving a forest in the footsteps of our farm. A portion of each sale is allocated in our budget toward tree planting on the farm. This covers the cost of purchasing/propagating, planting, care, and maintenance.
COVID-19 Protocols
The virus is NOT a food borne illness, and there is very low risk of transmission through our products themselves. We follow standard food safety protocols and are taking further measures to reduce any risk for our products or customers.
According to USDA:
"We are not aware of any reports at this time of human illnesses that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging. However, it is always important to follow good hygiene practices (i.e., wash hands and surfaces often, separate raw meat from other foods, cook to the right temperature, and refrigerate foods promptly) when handling or preparing foods." https://www.usda.gov/coronavirus
Our practices:
All owners and employees must wear a face cloth or protective face mask for tasks where two or more people cannot easily maintain a minimum of 6ft distance. Whenever possible, one person will do a task in smaller spaces rather than two. Anyone experiencing any sick symptoms must report and will stay home from work.
Any products that are harvested and packed on farm (mushrooms, duck eggs, maple syrup) are harvested with gloves and face mask. Eggs are washed with mild soapy water prior to packing and mushrooms are always handled with gloves and mask.
Since washing mushrooms degrade their quality, we do not wash them, but our customers can wipe mushrooms with a damp cloth with light food grade disinfectant (vodka or gin) if they so choose. All mushrooms should be cooked on medium heat for at least 5 min before consuming.
HAND WASHING with hot water, soap, and sanitizer must take place by all employees and farm owners between all transitions (before and after) of any farm tasks.
Course and Workshop Policies
Course Registration and Refunds
When you register, please be committed to attending the course. Get in touch ahead of time with any questions. We are able to refund 100% of your tuition if notified three months before the course starts, 50% if one month, and 25% if two weeks.
Canceling a Course from Low Enrollment
If our course is unable to run due to low enrollment, we will notify you 10 - 14 days in advance. Your tuition can be applied to another offering or we will refund it in full.