Our farm is not a passion we pursue for profit, but rather as an expression of our values to grow good food for our family and community, to restore the ecological wealth of a landscape that has been abused for many generations, and to share the knowledge we've learned along the way so that others can find success. Each crop and production system is first a choice for the restoration of nature, including the healing of humans.

Mushrooms are one of the most powerful food medicines we have come across.
We mainly grow shiitake, oyster, king oyster, and lions mane mushrooms on logs, organic straw, and sawdust mixes. We grow them out in the woods, and indoors in a low-energy solar powered mushroom house. We also wild forage mushrooms whenever possible.
Mushrooms are often appreciated for their exotic nature and delicious additions to a wide range of foods, but less so for their powerful medicinal and nutritional capacity.
The mushrooms we grow are packed with antioxidants, vitamins B &D, Iron and are one of the few foods with a complete amino acid profile. Regular fresh mushroom consumption offers your body a potent “adaptogen” which supports and balances your immune system, contains anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anit-tumor, and anti-bacterial properties.
Mushrooms are also absolutely the protein source with the lightest ecological footprint. Research indicates that mushrooms emit 0.5 kg of CO2 per pound produced. Compare this rate to chicken (3.1 kg), pork (5.5 kg), Salmon (5.4 kg), and Tofu at 0.9 kg CO2 per pound. Mushrooms require just 1.8 gallons of water and 1 kilowatt hour of energy to produce.
These figures come from an industry report looking at large scale operations, but we can achieve even better efficiency on our small operation.
Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) - typically available February - November
A classic mushroom, the blue variety we grow is notably thick and hardy and is packed with a seafood-like flavor that complements almost any dish. Our favorite prep is to saute lightly over medium heat with fresh garlic and black pepper, then add to eggs/omelettes, noodle dishes, sauces, and more.
Lions Mane (Hericium spp) - typically available March - November
The flavor of this mushroom is very reminiscent of seafood (crab and scallops) and versatile in many types of cooking. Many people try these for the first time and fall in love with the flavor and texture.
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) typically available June - October
Our log-grown shiitake ripen in the natural woods environment and retain a meaty and deep earthy flavor that holds shape when cooked and provides the "umame" flavor that is said to accent and highlight other flavors in many dishes.
Pastured Lamb

The best way to restore a healthy landscape on a large scale, build soil and sequester carbon is with intensive rotational grazing and silvopasture (trees in pasture).
For consumers of meat, ruminant animals (cows, sheep, and goats) offer the most regenerative option, as they can convert grasses, legumes, and woody plants into proteins and, if managed well, rapidly build the carbon potential of soils.
Our sheep are part of a long term journey to rebuild the ecological wealth of the close to 40 acres that we rotate the animals through each season. We move our animals once every 1 - 2 days and feed them entirely on grass and natural forages as nature intended (no grain).
We raise heritage Katahdin sheep who boast a hardiness to cold and heat, strong parenting instincts, and disease and parasite resistant. We don't use any regular medications or dewormers in our sheep.
The idyllic life our sheep have is evident in the meat we produce, which is rich and full of flavor. In order to maintain herd health and develop genetic lines that can thrive in a changing climate, its necessary to select and cull some of our flock each season, which results in the products we sell.
In this way, the meat our customers consume nourishes all levels of life; the soil and vegetation on the land, the health of the flock, and the health of the person eating it.
Maple Syrup
Each year, our first crop is the sweet sap from our maple trees that we tap and boil down on a wood-fired evaporator as has been done for hundreds of years.
Join us for our annual celebration of Maple Weekend along with members of the New York Maple Producers Association the second weekend in March for tours, tastings, music, and a local farm and craft market.

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